Food Resources
Food Assistance
Emergency Food Access
Local food pantries and school districts are providing emergency food access in your community! If you are in need of food assistance, please call 211.
The 211 number is the place to send people to start if they are in need for food assistance. This number has information about other essential community services as well (rent, unemployment, etc.)
The above statement is the coordinated messaging coming from all partners working in emergency feeding, and can be found on the City of Austin general webpage.
ConnectATX from United Way
Centralized list of resources on emergency food access (curbside meals, food delivery, food pantries, school meals) and other food access connections (community gardens. centralized resources, food delivery, food pantries, low cost food, meals, nutrition education, paying for food). Includes extensive resources beyond food as well.
Central Texas Food Bank
They also have need for volunteers and more information on their response here: https://bit.ly/foodbankcovid
The Central Texas Food Bank is exempt from Austin’s ‘Shelter in Place’ order, issued Tuesday, March 24, 2020. As an essential business providing food to nearly 46,000 people each week, we will remain open and accepting volunteers, in accordance with Order issued by the City of Austin.
They’ve adjusted their volunteer shifts to maximize social distancing and are taking even more sanitary precautions than usual to minimize risks. If you’re healthy and not in a high-risk group, please consider helping out. Volunteers must sign up online prior to showing up to help out.
Food Delivery/Pickup
Good Apple Foods: Stay Home, Stay Health Program for anyone who is 55+ or immunocompromised and in need of food assistance: https://goodapplefoods.com/covid-19
HEB/Favor Senior Support Line: https://favordelivery.com/seniors
CSAs/Produce (CSA = Community Supported Agriculture)
Brother’s Produce: Place an order for pickup at 512-928-0050 oraustinorders@brothersproduceaustin.com
Central Texas Farmers Co-Op: https://www.centraltexasfarmers.com/
Good Apple Foods: https://goodapplefoods.com/
Green Gate Farms - Spring CSA vegetable season is full
Hardie’s Fresh Foods - produce box truck, centralized pickups: https://www.hardies.com/news/hardie-s-produce-box-trucks
Johnson’s Backyard Garden - closed to new signups due to demand
MRC New Leaf Agriculture - closed to new signups
Segovia Produce is offering curbside pick-up (will call) orders Monday - Saturday 6am- 11a. In addition to bulk produce they also have milk by the gallon and eggs by the flat ( 2-1/2 dozen per). Buy in bulk and share with your families. Call 512-385-6210 or email your orders toorders@segoviaproduce.com
Longhorn Meat Market: new home delivery program found at: https://longhornmeatmarket.com/collections/all
Local Meal Kits and more
Lettuce Network: https://loconomy.com/lettuce/home.html
Prep to your Door: https://www.preptoyourdoor.com/
Snackshare: https://www.snackshare.com/
Farm to Table ATX: home delivery now full
Farmhouse Delivery - new registrations suspended, waitlist available: https://www.farmhousedelivery.com/new-customer-waitlist
Easy Tiger sourdough starter kits: https://www.toasttab.com/easy-tiger-linc/v2/online-order#!/ (I’ve seen information that they sell out quickly)
Food Access Resources in Central Texas from the Sustainable Food Center
Many of the links are included above, but contains additional information on Farmer’s Markets, CSAs, Austin Food Delivery Services, Food Pickup and Delivery, Access Points for low-income families. A lot of the link are included in this list as well.
Farmer’s Markets
City of Austin and Travis County have officially mandated that Farmers’ Markets are an ‘essential service’ and can remain open to the public. They are all operating with new safety precautions for both sellers and shoppers.
Texas Farmer’s Markets: https://texasfarmersmarket.org/texas-farmers-markets-covid-19/ /
As it currently stands, Texas Farmers’ Market at Lakeline on Saturdays 9am-1pm and Texas Farmers’ Market at Mueller on Sundays 10am-2pm will continue to be open, with major adjustments to our operations in our efforts to keep our food safe and available to the communities we serve.
Sustainable Food Center Farmer’s Markets:https://sustainablefoodcenter.org/programs/sfc-farmers-market
Barton Creek’s Farmer’s Market: Saturdays, 9am-1pm, https://www.facebook.com/bartoncreekfarmersmarket
Lone Star Farmer’s Market at the Hill Country Galleria: Sundays 10am-2pm, https://www.lonestarfarmersmarket.com/bee-cave-hill-country-galleria
Elgin Farmer’s Market: Thursdays 5-8pm, https://www.facebook.com/ElginTXFarmersMarket/
Round Rock Farmer’s Market: new curbside service with online preordering, https://www.farmergeorge.market/
Dripping Springs Farmer’s Market: Wednesday 3-6pm, http://www.cityofdrippingsprings.com/page/fm.home
Takeout Tracker aims to track restaurants that are open during the Covid-19 health crisis.
Texas school meal finder: https://txschools.gov/
Baylor University Collaborate on Hunger and Poverty includes school food resources for many ISDs around the state: https://www.covid19txfoodresources.org/
Webpages and info from specific ISDs:
AISD: https://www.austinisd.org/coronavirus/meals
Bastrop ISD: https://www.bisdtx.org/Page/7374
Del Valle ISD: http://www.dvisd.net/2020/03/25/del-valle-isd-meal-delivery-pickup-plan/
Dripping Springs ISD: general updates found here:https://www.dsisdtx.us/coronavirus
Eanes ISD: email for required assistance to email found on: https://www.eanesisd.net/coronavirus
Hays ISD: https://www.hayscisd.net/Page/11181
Leander ISD: Food service updates posted on http://support.leanderisd.org/support/covid-19/
Manor ISD: https://www.manorisd.net/Page/5291 (general COVID19 page)
Pflugerville ISD: http://www.pfisd.net/Page/7672
Round Rock ISD: https://news.roundrockisd.org/2020/03/18/round-rock-isd-to-provide-breakfast-and-lunch-for-students-during-school-closures/
San Marcos ISD: https://www.smcisd.net/Page/4273
KIPP Schools: https://kipptexas.org/march-22-update-for-kipp-texas-austin-families-600p/